"A little bit of Jane Galloway will only create better things for those who are wise enough to work with her"
Hi, I'm Jane. I'm so pleased that you're here!

I am Jane, the Founder & Director of Quiet the Hive. I am on a mission to ensure that the women who work with me will approach their end of days thinking “Holy Cow! What a ride!” rather than “I wish I’d been brave enough to…”.
I am an award winning, ILM7 Qualified Executive coach, keynote speaker and facilitator. I’ve supported and spoken in front of 1,000s of women helping them to identify a life they love, and arming them with the toolkit and confidence to go out and get it.
Quiet the Hive was born through a desire to share the skills, confidence and wisdom that it’s taken me til my forties to develop. I know first hand how it feels to doubt yourself, compare yourself to others and to live with the voice of the inner critic. But I also know what it feels like to trust yourself, be brave and find the joy in life. The more I can help women to claim their space and not be afraid of performing to their best within it, the happier I am.
Why do I do this? I’ve navigated the diagnosis and subsequent death of my mother from secondary breast cancer, managed separation and divorce during lockdown (while still staying friends), experienced bullying and gaslighting at work, and a diagnosis of type two diabetes. All while I was parenting my two young sons, launching my own business, holding down a full time job, taking on the bulk of the household and childcare responsibilities, home schooling and navigating the pandemic.
Through Quiet the Hive, I share the tools and techniques I used to navigate this, and the other challenges that we encounter along the way, to find a place of abundant joy, strength and sweetness.
And a bit more about me? Well, I’m a lover of big jewellery, a stationery addict, recovering runner, and think that chocolate and peanut butter absolutely go together. I would always rather be by the sea (preferably bobbing!). My female tribe are super important to me and the strength of women together is a driving force behind Quiet the Hive. I am a Mum to two hilarious boys and live near a wood in Surrey.
Awards and accolades
Winner (Silver): Coach of the Year (Best Business Women Awards 2024)
Winner: Women’s Mindset Coach of the Year (Business Elite Awards 2023)
Winner (Silver): Coach of the Year (Best Business Women Awards 2023)
Finalist: At Your Service award (The Small Awards 2023)
Finalist: Transforming Lives (National Facilitator Awards 2023) for the Awakening Women’s Lives programme
Celebrated as:
fEentreprenuer #ialso100; celebrating the top 100 inspirational female business leaders in the UK (2020)
Small Business Saturday 100; showcasing the 100 great small businesses across the UK (2020)

Where did Quiet the Hive come from?
I set up Quiet the Hive and the flagship programme, Awakening Women’s Lives, as a direct result of a single week I had. I ran a number of coaching and mentoring sessions that week with women who I believed to be incredible. Women playing at the top of their game, senior leaders and influencers, each of whom I was in total awe of, and every single one doubting her ability or her ‘worthiness’ of the role she was nailing.
It broke my heart that these brilliant women were unable to see their worth because of the lessons society taught them, or the way they were being made to feel through their roles or relationships; that they felt unable to shine on their own terms.
My inner work on my own imposter syndrome and inner critic began when I turned 40. It was like a light went on in my head saying ‘stuff this’ (well, actually it was slightly more sweary, but, you know…); I don’t want to trudge through a life that is ‘fine’, I want to be at the helm of one that is extraordinary. I set about exploring how I could get that for myself and help other women to get curious about it too.
Quiet the Hive represents the way in which women work as a community, hold so much for so many, are independent beings who are strongest in support of each other and how we need to quiet the hive in our mind – the constant buzz that is sometimes so tricky to manage be that the inner critic, the mental load, or just the general busyness and expectation of a life of ‘shoulds’. Through Quiet the Hive,
As an award-winning coach, speaker and facilitator, I help women like you to play bigger, make brave choices and step into your potential so that you live a life you love with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. I love that my clients find increased confidence, courageousness, resilience and clarity through working with me.
Why 'Quiet the Hive'?
The name Quiet the Hive comes from the constant buzzing that seems to go on in our heads, whether that’s the inner critic droning on, the busyness of our lives and the mental load we’re holding (you should read this great cartoon about the mental load), or just the amount of stuff that belongs to everyone else rather than our own internal assured voice (it’s there, I promise you). So, the ability to quieten the hive seems like an incredible skill to own and to teach.
That and the fact that since I’ve been about 12, my friends have called me Bee…
Why the brand colours?
There are certain psychological associations behind colours (and having a degree and a masters in psychology, I like a bit of that!).
The main brand colours of Quiet the Hive are orange and yellow. Orange is a colour associated with positivity, optimism, and hope and is seen as friendly and cheerful. Yellow is for happiness and is positive, upbeat, illuminating and energetic. It also encourages movement and supporting women to move forward is a key focus of Quiet the Hive