February Thoughts

For the Love of YOU

February; the month of love! This month, I want to spend some time talking about how important it is to show love for the most important person in you life – YOU!

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, and for this one I’d invite you to think about practising some self-love. There are so many ways you can lean into that. Here are just a few ideas:

* Take some time to write down and read out to yourself some positive affirmations and stick them where you’ll see them (even just on a phone wallpaper if you don’t want them taped around the house!).

* Notice when you speak to yourself unkindly, and try reframing the ‘conversation’ in a different way. For those of you who’ve been on one, remember all the tips from the inner critic masterclass! (and if you’d like to do one and GET those tips, click here).

* Take 30 minutes out of your day to do something that delights you – a walk, meditation, a bath, reading… Whatever fills you with joy at the thought of it!

* Treat your body with love. Respect it with some exercise, or making food and drink choices that feel healthy for you.

* Write yourself a love missive. List out all the things you can celebrate about yourself and your life.

* Flood yourself with feel good by doing something for someone else and carrying out a small act of kindness with love.

Let me know how you show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day.

1 thought on “February Thoughts”

  1. I have bookmarked your blog and refer back to it whenever I need a dose of positivity and inspiration Your words have a way of brightening up my day

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