The Career Confidence Programme

Before I tell you about Career Confidence, I think you’ll love this…

Is it time to fall back in love with your role, or move on to the best next option for you? I've got you...

Sign up for the free 'Should I Stay or Should I Go? workshop

You're too late for the webinar, but you're not too late for the programme! Sign up for Career Confidence today. You future self thanks you!

When I was in my twenties, I stayed in a job far longer than I should have done. I wasn’t happy anymore, but I couldn’t for the life of me work out the answer to the one question that would have propelled me forward to better things, however I answered it.

“Should I stay, or should I go?”

Too often we procrastinate and stagnate in our roles because we don’t know how to help ourselves to make a decision around next steps. I get it. It feels sacred, paralysing even. What happens if I make the WRONG decision…?

Lovely, I have something that might help. 

In my free workshop, you will…

  • Give yourself some time and space to finally focus on the big decision 

  • Access the essential questions you need to unlock your thinking 

  • Get closer to figuring out whether its time to fall back in love with your job, or move on to the next best thing for you 

  • Learn why there is no such thing as the WRONG decision

Career Confidence: Unlock and harness your potential at work

  • Are you trying to find your leadership groove?
  • Do you consistencly fail to advocate for yourself at work? Do you struggle to get your voice in the room?
  • Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to procrastination?
  • Are you constantly doing battle with the little voice that tells you you have absolutely no clue what you’re doing?
  • Do you know you have potential, but you’re just not sure how to harness it?
Friend, you’re in the right place!

The conversations I have tell me that when it comes to our work, so many of us feel like we struggle to get our voice in the room, sing our own praises, share our ideas and views, claim our right to be in that role, and believe in ourselves in our career spaces.

And let me let you in on a secret, it’s not just women who are new to the career ladder, or leadership that struggle with this. We can all use a little boost of self-belief when it comes to our careers, from entry level, ‘new-to-the-workforce’ colleagues to well-established, ‘confident-on-the-outside’ top leaders.

How would you like to have a toolkit of resources that you can tap into when you’re feeling less than career confident? Not just once, but once you’re in, you’ve got access for life.

These important skills feel just as relevant whether you are working for yourself, in the public sector, in a massive corporate or a tiny local charity. If you want to feel like you understand where some of these blockers and fears come from, and how you can move on from them, then Career Confidence is the programme for you.

I’m Jane and I’ll be your guide for this short, sharp bite-sized career confidence programme. By the end you’ll have the tools at your disposal to truly feel unstoppable.

I help women play bigger, make brave choices and step into their potential so that they can live a life they love with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Career Confidence programme is an eight-part career masterclass designed to unlock and harness your potential to play bigger at work and in your career

Who is it for?

The Career Confidence Programme is for all women who feel stuck at work, who know that they have potential, but don’t know how to confidently tap into it. 

You might be in, or ready for, a leadership role but need a little more self-belief to enable you to fly. You may be looking to take a step up or new direction, but self-doubt is holding you back. Or, for you, it might be about making the most of the role you’re in. You know, deep down, you are capable of totally rocking your role, but that little voice inside can hold you back from unlocking and reaching your potential.

What is the career confidence programme?

Imagine a day when you look forward to starting your working day, knowing you feel aligned with your work, have the confidence to speak up and share your ideas. You are comfortable at putting across your priorities,  and creating boundaries and saying no when you need to. Imagine being able to advocate for yourself and know that when doubt begins to trip you up, you have a toolkit at hand to remind you why you deserve to be there. Imagine confidently talking about your achievements and celebrating yourself. Imagine having career confidence.

The Career Confidence programme is an eight part series designed to tackle all the issues that trip us up at work and get in the way of us harnessing our potential. A mix of taught sessions and live Q&As will help you to explore what’s holding you back, and gain tips and tricks you can try to move past each blocker.

What’s more, join once, and you’re part of the community forever, being able to tap into resources, worksheets and sessions for as long as you want to, having access to these tools to support your career journey at all stages.

How do I know if Career Confidence is Right for Me?

Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Do you feel like you consistently fail to advocate for yourself at your work?
  • Do you struggle to get your voice into the room?
  • Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to procrastination?
  • Are you constantly doing battle with the little voice in your head that says you don’t deserve this role, promotion, or a pay rise?
  • Do you have the potential, but just don’t know how to harness it?
  • Are you struggling to find your leadership groove?

If you can answer ‘yes’, then you need the Career Confidence programme.

What do we cover on the Career Confidence Programme?

The Career Confidence programme is an eight-part career masterclass designed to unlock and harness your potential to play bigger at work and in your career. Consisting of an introductory session, eight workshops and optional Q&A sessions, we cover:

Moving past imposter syndrome and the inner critic: Learn about what imposter syndrome is, and how understanding more about your inner critic can help you to manage it

Communicating with Confidence: Shift from struggling to get your voice in the room, to communicating with confidence

Creating, setting and keeping your boundaries: Learn about the importance of creating and keeping boundaries, and moving from a blurry work life balance, to creating harmony

Creating and developing resilience: Learn more about resilience and how to begin to top up your reserves

Bringing your authentic self to your role: Learn how to trust yourself, and bring your real you to work in a way that feels good for you and those you work alongside

Beating Procrastination: This module is for all of us who resort to sorting a sock drawer when there’s something important to get done! Learn 12 techniques for moving past procrastination

Owning and celebrating your achievements: Stop underselling yourself and start celebrating with confidence

Stop hiding, start shining: A chance to explore how to come out of hiding and start shining at work

Tell me more…

Each session is accompanied by multiple resources, including a workbook, videos, podcasts and further reading to take your learning further outside of the session.

We start with a ‘kick-off’ session which allows you to spend some time connecting with other participants to create a brave space for us to grow together. You’ll explore why you’ve joined the programme and what you hope to get from it, as well as any nervousnesses you may have! You will also start to think about how you might come out of hiding and start shining by the end of the programme.

The Quiet the Hive Group Ethos

I believe that tribe is important; the group of people around you who champion, challenge, support and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, grow and develop. This is a central theme to Quiet the Hive.

Career Confidence is no different. In this programme I will encourage you to share your stories, examples and actions to remind us all that we’re not alone in experiencing blockers and challenges to our career development. 

The facilitated sessions are designed to get you to a place where you feel supported and motivated to try different approaches and make brave choices around your career, enabling you to play bigger at work and bring more to and get more out of your career.

Through sharing our experiences, you will get the opportunity to know and connect with other incredible women who will cheerlead and support you in your journey, as you will in theirs.

What's the Investment?

There are two options for this programme, and a payment plan is available for both options.



  • Lifetime* membership, meaning you can join future cohorts at no extra investment even when the cost of the programme goes up
  • Ongoing access to all eight masterclasses
  • Recordings for when you can’t make it live
  • Optional live Q&A sessions with Jane, and
  • An accompanying workbook including supporting tools and exercises, plus additional recommended resources for each module

Investment: £597

*‘lifetime’ means the lifetime of the Career Confidence programme (not your or my lifetime!)


All the UNLOCK perks, PLUS:

  • two, hour-long coaching sessions^ for you to explore your specific questions and challenges with me, Jane, an award-winning, ILM7 qualified coach

Please note, there are a limited number of these packages on each cohort, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Investment: £897

^All coaching sessions to be redeemed within six months of the start date of the programme

Hoping work will pay?

In other good news, if you are a small business owner, you can legitimately put this through your business as training and development.

If you would like to ask work to fund your place on the Career Confidence Programme, but aren’t sure how to ask, I have just the thing!

Download the handy Quiet the Hive guide to asking your manager to invest in you. There’s even a handy PDF of all the information on this page so you can print it off and give it to them.

Once you get agreement, you can book through this page as normal, and I’ll be in touch to get their invoice details.

Career Confidence Scholarship Places

If you can’t currently afford Career Confidence, you might be able to get a scholarship place. 

Quiet the Hive is a for-profit business, but I believe in paying it forward, and that something like Career Confidence could be a key part in you being able to step up in your career so that maybe, one day, you can pay it forward for someone else.

Please, only submit an entry for a potential scholarship if it’s truly needs-based. I’m trusting you — on your honour — to apply for a scholarship because, without it, accessing a programme like Career Confidence would not be financially possible right now. 



Before the programme starts, you’ll be sent diary invites, via the email address you signed up with, with a zoom link. It’s a good idea to test the link works for you and that you can access zoom ahead of the sessions.


I would strongly suggest that you do your best to attend all sessions. However, I also know that life does weird things! All sessions are recorded and made available to you to catch up in your own time.


Oh heck yes! That is esxactly what the ‘ELEVATE’ option is. All the great course basics, with additional coaching support from Jane, an award-winning coach. This is the best value way to get 1:1 coaching with Jane.


Basically, you’ll get out what you put in, with eight hours being the bare minimum (to attend the workshops). There is a total of eight hours of workshops across 16 weeks, with an optional 30 minute Q&A directly after each session, and an additional 30 minutes ‘homework’ which you can use to take your learning further if you wish too.


Don’t worry! We have an optional Q&A session following each session and you can submit your questions in advance. You can also always reach out to Jane at and don’t forget that once you’ve joined Career Confidence, you can access it as many times as you like. 


Of course! Click the button below and let’s make a time to talk (or simply use the same link to ask a question over email). I want this to feel totally right to you, so let’s explore it together.

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